Projekat Virtualna mobilnost u sistemu stručnog obrazovanja – VIMOinVET je projekat u okviru Programa ERASMUS+ KA2VET. KA2 su projekti institucionalne saradnje i razmene dobre prakse u oviru ovog programa. Na ovom projektu pored naše škole, učestvuje još četiri partnera iz četiri države, Scuola Centrale Formazione, iz Italije kao koordinator projekta, HETEL iz Španije, Roskilde visoka škola iz Danske i ANFA iz Francuske.
Osnovni ciljevi projekta su:
- Implementacija strategije internacionalizacije u sistemu stručnog obrazovanja-VET, uz geografsku mobilnost, a kroz aktivnosti internacionalizacije na lokalu, integrisano stazom formalnog obrazovanja mladih u evropskom sistemu stručnog obrazovanja.
- Omogućiti VET obrazovnom osoblju (nastavnicima i drugom nenastavnom osoblju) da stekne veštine u obezbeđivanju / izvođenju aktivnosti virtuelnog učenja (obezbeđivanje virtuelnih razmena, sprovođenje transnacionalnih aktivnosti na daljinu);
- Integrisati dimenziju virtuelnog učenja u VET-u u smislu inkluzije, odgovarajući tako na potrebu za prepoznavanjem mladih ljudi sa manje mogućnosti i korišćenjem obrazovnih tehnologija kroz motivacioni i kreativni pristup.
Title of the project: Virtual Mobility in the VET System (VIMOinVET)
Financing channel: ERASMUS+ KA2 VET Exchange of good practices
N. of the project: 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008520
Duration: 24 months – 31/12/2020 – 30/12/2022
The partners come from 5 countries, have complementary, long-standing competences on the topics of mobility and internationalisation at home. The good practice intercepted here is virtual mobility in its different facets and implementation models (tools and teaching methodologies), integrated to formal learning paths and supporting/preparing geographical mobility. The project therefore aims at qualifying VET practitioners in blended mobility and internationalisation methodologies.
Scuola Centrale Formazione - IT (coordinating partner and promoter of the initiative)
HETEL - ES (expert partner for good practices of implementation of virtual mobility integrated to geographical mobility)
Roskilde College - DK (expert partner in virtual mobility, distance learning, and innovative learning spaces)
ANFA - FR (partner with extensive experience in transnational mobility and mutual recognition through mobility)
Masinska Skola - SR (Serbian school that launched in 2019 its Internationalisation Strategy through learning mobility).
The strategic objectives of the project are:
- To implement the internationalisation strategy of VET alongside the geographical mobility through home-based internationalisation activities integrated to the formal learning pathways of young people coming from European VET systems;
- To enable VET educational staff (teachers and tutors) to acquire skills in facilitating/conducting virtual learning activities (facilitating virtual exchanges, conducting transnational distance learning activities);
- To integrate the virtual learning dimension within the VET system in a perspective of inclusiveness, thus responding both to the need to intercept young people with fewer opportunities and to use educational technologies through a motivating and creative approach.
The project contributes to implement an "inclusive" didactic through the use of technologies intercepting also fragile learners and learners with fewer opportunities. This assumption is particularly relevant in this emergency time in which all regional and European VET systems have to find their own positioning in the context of the general educational offer and therefore need to:
- Keep learners and families engaged through DAD with accessible tools
- Train with motivating methodologies, capable of enhancing pupils' aptitudes and strengthening the citizenship skills required by the labour market
- Integrating the most vulnerable pupils through the use of "inclusive" methodologies
- to keep alive the vocation of VET, based on "learning by doing", by promoting "problem" based and "learner-centred" activities that trigger creativity, collaboration, spirit of initiative.
The project includes 6 transnational meetings in the partner countries.
All partners commit themselves to guarantee the realisation of at least 1 virtual mobility flow to support/integrate the geographical mobility to be realised within their ordinary mobility projects (possession of VET card and own funds). Exceptionally, only for the Serbian partner the project foresees the financial coverage for the implementation of mobility of 8 pupils accompanied by 2 teachers and aimed at this very experimentation.
The M3 meeting (Denmark) is aimed not only at the exchange of good practices but also at a joint training on "educational welfare and internationalisation". The joint training has the following objectives:
- presentation of innovative elements on the topic of learning spaces (organisation of spaces, architectural choices)
- focus on the relationship between spaces and learning processes (learning styles, digital tools, digital didactics) - focus on synchronous and asynchronous home internationalisation activities.
The last M6 meeting will be in Italy in November 2022.
On this occasion SCF and the project partners will take stock of the state of the art of management and administrative tasks. Furthermore, on the occasion of the final meeting SCF will organise with its own funds the DO YOUR MOB event with the aim of valorising the initiative and the results obtained. The DYM will see the presentation of the Guidelines and Recommendations for the implementation of virtual mobility.